钮冰 , 男,1977年12月出生,讲师。
2000 年6月,毕业于公司理学院化学系,获学士学位;2009年3月毕业于公司材料学院,获博士学位。2009年至今,在最安全的网上投注平台(中国)有限公司任教。
1.B. Niu, Y.H. Jin, W.C. Lu, G.Z. Li, Predicting toxic action mechanisms of phenols using AdaBoost Learner. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2009,96(1), 43-48.
2.B. Niu, Y.H. Jin, L. Lu, K.Y. Fen, L. Gu, Z.S. He, W.C. Lu, Y.X. Li and Y.D. Cai, Prediction of interaction between small molecule and enzyme using AdaBoost. Molecular diversity, 2009,13:313-320 [SCI 他引 1 ]
3.B. Niu, L.Lu, L.Liu, T.H. Gu, K.Y. Feng, W.C. Lu and Y.D. Cai, HIV-1 protease cleavage site prediction based on amino acid property. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 2009, 30(1): 33-39 [SCI 1 ]
4.B. Niu, Y.H. Jin, K.Y. Feng,W.C. Lu, Y.D. Cai and G.Z Li, Using AdaBoost for the prediction of subcellular location of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins. Molecular Diversity. 2008, 12: 41-45. [SCI 他引 5 ]
5.B. Niu, Y.H. Jin, K.Y. Feng, L. Liu, W.C. Lu, Y.D. Cai and G.Z. Li, Predicting membrane protein types with bagging learner. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2008, 15:590-594 [SCI 他引 14 ]
6.B. Niu, W.C. Lu,S.S. Yang, Y.D. Cai and G.Z. Li, Support vector machine for SAR/QSAR of phenethyl-amines. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2007,28(7):1075-1086 [SCI 他引 4 ]
7.B. Niu*, Y.D. Cai, W.C. Lu, G.Z. Li and K.C. Chou, Predicting protein structural class with AdaBoost learner. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2006, 13 : 489-492. SCI 他引 57 次)
8.L.Lu B.Niu, J. Zhao, L. Liu , W.C. Lu, X.J. Liu , Y.X. Li, Y.D. Cai, GalNAc-transferase specificity prediction based on feature selection method. Peptide 2009,30:359-364 SCI 他引 2 次)
9.J.Lu, B. Niu, L. Liu,W.C. Lu and Y.D. Cai, Prediction of small molecules’ metabolic pathways based on functional group composition Protein and Peptide Letters 2009,8:969-976
10.A.V.Vasilakosa, B. Niu, L.Liu, W.C. Lu, Artificial Intelligence in genomic sequence, protein structure, function prediction and DNA microarrays: A Survey. Int. J. Comput. Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology,1(2):117-134
11.Y.H. Jin, B. Niu, K.Y. Feng, W.C. Lu, Y.D. Cai and G.Z Li, Predicting subcellular localization with AdaBoost Learner. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2008, 15: 286-289.[ SCI 他引 24 ]
12.L. Liu, Y.D. Cai, W.C. Lu, K.Y. Feng, C.R. Peng, B. Niu, Prediction of protein-protein interactions based on PseAA composition and hybrid feature selection, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2009, 380(2): 318-322[ SCI 他引 3 ]

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