

1.1979年获慕尼黑大学自然科学博士学位导师:H.Autrum & U.Smola

















5.中国科学院战略性先导科技项目(B类)脑功能联结图谱研究计划 (XDB02040100),2012-2017,首席科学家,项目已高质量结题。

6.973前沿领域项目(G2006CB806600)“脑的结构与功能可塑性”;2006.09—2011.08, 3400万元;(2006-2008, 首席科学家),2006-2011参加,已结题,优秀;

7.国家自然科学基金委重大项目《神经网路理论模型和应用方法研究》,1990.07-1993.06 ,总经费:94.5 万元,以《优秀》结题。




1.Zhihua Wu*,Aike Guo, And Xiaodi Fu. (2017) Generation of low-gamma oscillations in a GABAergic network model of the striatum. Neural Networks 95: 72–90.

2.Qingqing Liu, Xing Yang,Jingsong Tian,Zongbao Gao,Meng Wang,Yan Li,Aike Guo(2016). Gap Junction networks in mushroom bodies participate in visual learning and memory in Drosophila. eLife.5:e13238.DOI:10.7554/eLife.13238

3.Xi En Cheng, Zhi-Ming Qian, Shuo Hong Wang, Nan Jiang,Aike Guo, Yan Qiu Chen(2015).A novel method for tracking individuals of fruit fly swarms flying in a laboratory flight arena. PLoS One 10(6):e0129657. DOI:10.1371/journal. pone. 0129657

4.Chen, N.,Guo, A.*, and Li, Y.* (2015) Aging accelerates memory extinction and impairs memory restoration in Drosophila. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 460: 944-948.

5.Liu He,Zhou Bangyu,Yan Wenjun,Lei Zhengchang, Zhao Xiaoliang, Zhang Ke,Guo Aike(2014)Astrocyte-like glia cells physiologically regulate olfactory processing through the modification of ORN-PN synaptic strength in Drosophila, European Journal of Neuroscience,40(5):2744-2754.

6.Yi W,Zhang Y,Tian Y,Guo J,Li Y,Guo A.(2013)A subset of cholinergic mushroom body neurons requires Go signaling to regulate sleep in Drosophila. SLEEP 36(12):1809-1821.

7.Li H, Li Y, Lei Z, Wang K,Guo A.* (2013) Transformation of odor selectivity from projection neurons to single mushroom body neurons mapped with dual-color calcium imaging. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(29):12084-12089.

8.Yang, X., andGuo, A.(2013) Distinct acute zones for visual stimuli in different visual tasks in Drosophila. PLoS One 8: e61313.

9.Xiaonan Zhang, He Liu, Zhengchang Lei, Zhihua Wu andAike Guo(2013) Lobula-specific visual projection neurons are involved in perception of motiondefinedsecond-order motion in Drosophila,The Journal of Experimental Biology 216, 524-534.

10.Xiaonan Zhang, Qingzhong Ren, andAike Guo(2013),Parallel Pathways for Cross-modal Memory Retrieval in Drosophila .The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(20),8784-8793.

11.Zhiping Zhang, Xiaoting Li, Jing Guo, Yan Li, andAike Guo(2013) Two Clusters of GABAergic Ellipsoid Body Neurons Modulate Olfactory Labile Memory in Drosophila. The Journal of Neuroscience , 33(12),5175-5181.

12.Lei Z, Chen K, Li H, Liu H,Guo A.* (2013) The GABA system regulates the sparse coding of odors in the mushroom bodies of Drosophila. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 436(1):35-40.

13.Jing Ren Jinghan Sun, Yunpeng Zhang,Tong Liu Yan Li &Aike Guo.(2012)Post-transcriptional Regulation of Dcp2 Mediates Chronic Nicotine Exposure Induced Locomotor Hyperactivity in Drosophila,PloS One7(12): e52521

14.Qingzhong Ren, Hao Li, Yanying Wu, Jing Ren,Aike Guo(2012) .A GABAergic Inhibitory Neural Circuit Regulates Visual Reversal Learning in Drosophila. The Journal of Neuroscience.32(34):11524-11538

15.Yanying Wu, Qingzhong Ren, Hao Li,Aike Guo(2012). The GABAergic anterior paired lateral neurons facilitate olfactory reversal learning in Drosophila. Learning and memory.19:478-486

16.Bin Chen, He Liu, Jing Ren ,Aike Guo(2012).Mutation of Drosophila dopamine receptor DopR leads to male–male courtship behavior. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.423(3):557-563

17.Zhihua Wu andAike Guo(2011). A model study on the circuit mechanism underlying decision-making in Drosophila , Neural Networks,24:333-344 doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2011.01.002.

18.Fang Guo, Wei Yi, Mingmin Zhou,Aike Guo(2011). Go Signaling in Mushroom Bodies Regulates Sleep in Drosophila. SLEEP. 34(3):273-281

19.M. Zhou, Z. Lei, H. Li, W. Yi, Z. Zhang andA. Guo.(2010) NMDA receptors-dependent plasticity in the phototaxis preference behavior induced by visual deprivation in young and adult flies. Genes, Brain and Behavior 9: 325–334

20.Li X, Yu F,Guo A. Sleep deprivation specifically impairs short-term olfactory memory in drosophila. SLEEP 2009;32(11):1417-1424.

21.Aike Guo, Ke Zhang, Yueqing Peng, Wang Xi.(2009).Heisenberg’s roadmap guides our journey to the small cognitive world of Drosophila. Journal of Neurogenetics. 23:100-103

22.Suojun Lu, Jian’an Fang,Aike Guo, Yueqing Peng. (2009) Impact of Network Topology on Decision-making. Neural Network 22:30-40.

23.Yan Yin, Nannan Chen, Shixing Zhang,Aike Guo(2009) Choice strategies in Drosophila are based on competition between olfactory memories. European Journal of Neuroscience.30:279-288

24.Tong Liu, Laurence Dartevelle , Chunyan Yuan, Hongping Wei , Ying Wang, Jean-Francois Ferveur andAike Guo.(2008)Increased dopamine level enhances male-male courtship in Drosophila. The Journal of Neuroscience.28(21):5539-5546.

25.Beika Lu, Weijie Liu, FangGuo, Aike Guo.(2008)Circadian modulation of light-induced locomotion responses in Drosophila melanogaster. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 7( 7) : 730-739.

26.Shixing Zhang,Yan Yin, Huimin Lu,Aike Guo.(2008) Increased dopaminergic signaling impairs aversive olfactory memory retention in Drosophila. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 370(1):82-86

27.Weijie Liu, Fang Guo, Beika Lu,Aike Guo(2008) amnesiac regulates sleep onset and maintenance in Drosophila melanogaster.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 372:798-803

28.Wang Xi, Yueqing Peng, Jianzeng Guo, Yizhou Ye, Ke Zhang, Feng Yu,Aike Guo.(2008) Mushroom bodies modulate Silence-Based selective fixation behaviour in Drosophila. European Journal of Neuroscience. 27:1441-1451.

29.Poo Mu-ming,Guo Aike(2007).Some recent advances in basic neuroscience research in China. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Science. 362(1482):1083-1092 .

30.Xinping. Chen, Yan Li, Junbo Huang, Dawei Cao, Guoying Yan, Weijie Liu, Huimin Lu,Aike Guo. (2007)Study of tauopathies by comparing Drosophila and human tao in Drosophila. Cell Tissue Res.329:169-178

31.Yueqing Peng andAike Guo. (2007)Novel stimulus-induced calcium efflux in Drosophila mushroom bodies, European Journal of Neuroscience. 25: 2034-2044.

32.Yueqing Peng,Wang Xi, Wei Zhang, Ke Zhang andAike Guo(2007). Experience Improves Feature Extraction in Drosophila. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(19):5139-5145.

33.Ke Zhang, Jianzeng Guo, Yueqing Peng, Wang Xi,Aike Guo. (2007)Dopamine-mushroom body circuit regulates saliency-based decision-making in Drosophila. Science. 316:1901-1904.

34.S.Y. Xu,C.L. Cang, X.F. Liu, Y.Q.Peng, Y.Z.Ye, Z.Q. Zhao andA.K. Guo(2006)Thermal Nociception in Adult Drosophila :Behavioral Characterization and the Role of The painless Gene. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 5:602-613.

35.Xianju Zhou, Chunyan Yuan, andAike Guo. (2005)Drosophila Olfactory Response Rhythms Require Clock Genes but not Pigment Dispersing Factor or Lateral Neurons. J. Biol. Rhythm 20(3): 237-245.

36.Jianzeng Guo andAike Guo. (2005) Crossmodal interaction between olfactory and visual learning in Drosophila. Science. 309:307-310.

37.Yan Li, Tong Liu, Yueqing Peng, Chunyan Yuan, andAike Guo. (2004) Particular Roles of Drosophila Amyloid Precursor-like Protein in the Development of Nervous and Non-nervous System. J.Neurobiol.61:343-258.

38.Bin Zhang, Huimin Lu, Wang Xi, Xianju Zhou, Shiyu Xu, K.Zhang, Jinchang Jiang, Yan Li,Aike Guo. (2004) Exposure to Hypomagnetic Field Space for Multiple Generations Causes Amnesia in Drosophila melanogaster. Neuroscience Letters.371:190-195.

39.Yizhou Ye, Wang Xi, Yueqing Peng, Yizheng Wang andAike Guo(2004) Long-term, but not short-term blockade of dopamine release in Drosophila impairs orientation during flight in a visual attention paradigm. European Journal of Neuroscience. 20:1001-1007.

40.Wang SP, Li Y, Feng CH, andGuo AK. (2003) Dissociation of visual associative learning and motor learning in Drosophila at flight simulator . Behavioural Processes.64:57-70

41.Wang Shunpeng, Tang Shiming, Li yan &Guo Aike(2003) Behavioral modification in choice process of Drosophila, Science in China(Series C), In the press.王顺鹏,唐世明,李岩,郭爱克(2003)果蝇在抉择过程中的行为修饰,中国科学(C辑)第33卷1期(2月)(SCI) Wang Shunpeng, Tang Shiming, Li yan & Guo Aike(2003) Behavioral modification in choice process of Drosophila, Science in China(Series C),46(4):399-413

42.马宝生,王顺鹏,李岩,冯春华,郭爱克(2003)反馈机制在嗅球学习中的作用,中国科学(C辑)第33卷1期(1月)(SCI) Ma Baosheng, Wang Shunpeng, Liyan,FengChunhua,Aike GuoFunction of attention in learning process in the olfactory bulb,Science in China,46(4):358-368

43.Shiming Tang &Aike Guo(2001) Choice behavior of Drosophila facing contradictory visual cues, Science, 294, 1543-1547(SCI-E 2001年收录).

44.Yihua Li &Aike Guo(2001) Neural representation of a-oriented moving light bars in the cortex: A neural network study, Physical Review E,Vol 64, 041916 (SCI-E 2001年收录)

45.Sun, H. J., Liu, L. andGuo, A. K.(1999) A neurocomputational Model of Figure-Ground discrimination and Target trackig. IEEE Transactions on Neural Network,10(4), 860-885.( SCI-E 1999年收录).

46.Huimin Lu,Xiuchun Wang,Shouzhong Liu,Meide Shi,andAike Guo(1999) The possible mechanism underlying visual Anti-camouflage:A model and its real time simulation,IEEE Transaction on Systems,Man and Cybernetics,Part A:Systems and Humans,Vol 29,No.2, 314-318.( SCI-E 1999年收录)

47.Zhi-hua Wu,Zhe-feng Gong,Chun-hua Feng,andAike Guo(2000) An emergent mechanism of selective visual attention in Drosophila, Biol.Cybern. 82(1), 61-68.( SCI-E 2000年收录).

48.Currents in Drosophila Larval Neurons of memory Mutants rutabaga and amnesiac,Journal of Neurobiology, 40(2), 158-171.( SCI-E 1999年收录).

Dinghui Yu Chungua fengAike Guo(1999) Altered Outward K

49.Zhi-hua Wu andAike Guo(1999) Selective Visual Attention in a Neurocomputational Model of Phase Oscillators, Biol. Cybern.80(3), 205-214.( SCI-E 1990年收录).

50.Zhe-feng Gong,Shou-zhen Xia,Li Liu,Chun-hua Feng &Aike Guo(1998) Operant visual learning and memory in Drosophila mutants dunce, amnesiac and radish, Journal of Insect Physiology, 44, 1149-1158.( SCI-E 1998年收录).

51.Xia,S.-Z.,Feng,C.-H.andGuo,A,-K.(1999) Temporary amnesia induced by cold-anesthesia and hypoxia in Drosophila,Physiology & Behavior, 65/4-5, 617-623 .( SCI-E 1999年收录).

52.Xia,S.-Z.,Feng,C.-H.andGuo,A,-K.(1998)Multiple-phase model of memory consolidation confirmed by behavioral and pharmacological analyses of operant conditioning in Drosophila. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 60(4), 809-816(SCI-E 1998年收录).

53.王旭,刘力,夏守真,冯春华,郭爱克(1998)果蝇视觉学习记忆能力与脑部cAMP水平的相关性,中国科学(C辑) 28(6) , 528-521; Wang Xu(王旭),Liu Li(刘力),Xia Shouzhen(夏守真),Feng Chunhua(冯春华) and Guo Aike(郭爱克),Relationship between visual learning/memory ability and brain cAMP level in Drosophila. Science in China,41(5), 503-511.( SCI 1998年收录).

54.Li Liu, Xu Wang,Shouzhen Xia, Chunhua Feng andAike Guo(1998) Conditioned Visual flight Orientation in Drosophila melanogaster Abolished by Benzaldehyde. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 61(4), 349-355.( SCI-E 1998年收录).

55.Sun, H. J., Liu, L. andGuo, A. K. (1998) Iteration logistic map dynamics in the polar coordinates, Fractals,6(1), 11-22.( SCI-E 1997年收录).

56.Guo.A.K.,K.G.Goetz. (1997) Association of visual objects and olfactory cues in Drosophila. Learning & Memory. 4(2), 192-205.( SCI-E 1997年收录).

57.Xia,S.Z.,Liu.L.,Feng,C.H &Guo Aike(1997) Memory condolidation in Drosophila operant visual lerning. Learning & Memory, 4(2), 205-219. (SCI-E 1997年收录)

58.Xia,S.Z.,Liu.L.,Feng,C.H .,Guo Aike(1997) Drug disruption of Short-term memory in Drosophila melanogaster. Pharmacol, Biochemi. & Behav. 58(3), 727-735. (SCI-E 1997年收录)..

59.Liu L., Sun, H. J. andGuo, A.K.(1997) Transformation of Sensory Signals into Commands for Saccadic Eye Movements: A Neural Network Study. Journal of Theoretical Biology,189, 121-131. ((SCI-E 1997年收录)..

60.Sun, H. J., Liu, L. andGuo, A. K.(1997) Logistic Map Graph Set. Comput & Graphics , 21(1), 89-103. (SCI-E 1997年收录)..

61.Sun, H. J., Liu, L., Feng, C. H. andGuo, A. K. (1997) Modeling Research on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Hippocampus. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 7(1), 187-198. (SCI-E 1997年收录).

62.Xia, S. Z., Liu, L., Feng, C. H. andGuo, A.K (1997) Nutritional Effects on Operant Visual Learning in Drosophila melanogaster. Physiology & Behavior,62(2), 263-271. (SCI-E 1997年收录)..

63.Guo, A. K., Liu, L., Xia, S. Z., Feng, C. H., Wolf, R. and Heisenberg, M. (1996) Conditioned visual flight orientation in Drosophila : Dependence on Age, Practices and Diet. Learning & Memory, 3, 49-59.( (SCI-E 1996年收录)..

64.Lu Huimin(陆惠民),Wang Xiuuchun(王秀春),Liu Shouzhong(刘守忠),Shi Meide(史美德),Liu Fang(刘芳),andGuo Aike(郭爱克)(1997) A model for visual image-background discriminatin by relative movement, Science in China,Series C. 40 (1) ,79-89 .陆惠民、王秀春、刘守忠、史美德、刘芳、郭爱克(1996).视觉图象-背景相对运个动分辩模型。中国科学,C辑,26(6), 496-503. (SCI 1996年收录)..

65.朱立新、郭爱克(1996)蝇视觉系统对目标的检测、识别与跟踪。中国科学,C辑。26(2), 141-148.

66.Danmei Chen , Wu,S.,Guo Aikeand Yang,Z.R. (1995) Self-Organized Criticality in a cellular automaton model of pulse-coupled integrate-and-fire neurons Model of the Brain. J.Phys.A:Math.Gen., 28, 5177-5182.( (SCI-E 1995年收录)..

67.Guo Aike,Sun Haijian ,Yang Xianyi (1995) A multilayer neural network model for perception of rotational motion,Science in China,Series B,40(1), 79-90.郭爱克,孙海坚,杨先一(1995)旋转运动感知的多层神经网络模型,中国科学(B辑),25(8), 822-831.( (SCI 1995年收录)..

68.孙昊,郭爱克(1995)视觉颜色感受野的自组织生成,中国科学(B辑),25(11), 1178-1185.

69.Feng Chunhua,Liu li,Liu Shouzhong,Ning Hong,Sun Haijian,andGuo Aike(1995) Three-dimensional structute of CA1 pyramidal cells in rat hippocampus,Science in China(Series B),Vol.38.No.10:1187-1193;冯春华刘力刘守忠宁红孙海坚郭爱克(1994):鼠海马CA1锥体细胞三维结构的研究—共聚焦激光扫描显微镜的光学记录及分形结构的计算机仿真,中国科学,B辑。Vol.24 No.4,390-397 (SCI 1995年收录)..

70.Guo Aike, Yang Xian-Yi (1994) Neural Network approaches to Visual Motion Perception, Science in China, Vol.37. No.2, 177-189.郭爱克杨先一视觉运动感知的神经网络研究中国科学(B辑)Vol.23. No.4,382-390,1993. (SCI-E 1994年收录)..

71.Guo Aikeand Yang Xianyi (1992) Neurocomputation of visual relative motion information, Science in China (B), Vol. 35, No. 7, 791-801.郭爱克,杨先一:视觉相对运动的神经计算原理:中国科学B辑.1991年11月,1180-1187( (SCI 1992年收录)..

72.W.Reichardt, M.Egelhaaf andA.Guo(1989) Processing of figure and background motion in the visual system of the fly. Biol.Cybern.61, 327-345.( ( (SCI 1989年收录).).

73.Guo Aike (郭爱克), Liu Zheng (刘正), Feng Chunhua(冯春华)(1988) Computer simulations of the Figure-ground discrimination in the visual system of the fly. Scientia Sinica. Vol. 29, No. 11, 55-64. in English.蝇视系统的图形──背景分辨的计算机模拟,中国科学, B辑, No.8., 833-840, 1988年8月(SCI 1988年收录).

74.Guo Aikeand W.Reichardt (1987) An Estimation of time constant of Movement Detectors. Naturwissenschaften, 74, 91.( SCI 1987年收录).

75.Reichardt. W.,Guo Ai-ke(1986) Elementary Pattern Discrimination ( Behavioural Experiments with the Fly Musca Domestica ). Biol. Cybern. 53, 285-306. (SCI 1986年收录).

76.Zhong Yangjiong,Guo Aike(郭爱克), Wang Guyan and FengChunhua (1983) Identification of Dynamic behaviour of Light-Potential Transduction system in Photoreceptor of Calliphora Eryth-rocephala using IRS-Stimuli. Scientia Sinica (Series B), Vol.XXVI, No.1, 41-50; in English.用逆重复伪随机序列相关分析法辨识丽蝇视细胞光电转换系统的动态特性,中国科学B辑, 1983年2月,第2期, P139-146. (SCI 1983年收录).

77.Guo Aike(1981) Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen zur spektral - und polarisations-Empfindlichkeit an den Sehzellen von Calliphora Erythrocephalla IV. Scientia Sinica, Vol.XXIV. No.4, 542-553.in German.丽蝇视细胞的光谱及偏振光灵敏度的电生理研究──视细胞R7的光谱灵敏度曲线与若干因素的研究,1981年8月,第8期,P1019-1025. ( (SCI 1981年收录).

78.Guo Aike(1981) Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen zur spektral - und polarisations-Empfindlichkeit an den Sehzellen von Calliphora Erythrocephalla.III. Scientia Sinica. Vol. XXIV, No.2, 272-286; in German .丽蝇视细胞的光谱及偏振光灵敏度的电生理研究──偏振光光谱灵敏度与线性偏振光波长的关系, 1981年6月,第6期, 748-754.( (SCI 1981年收录).

79.Guo Aike(1980) Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen zur spektral - und polarisations-Empfindlichkeit an den Sehzellen von Calliphora Erythrocephala II. Scientia Sinica, Vol.XXIII. No. 11, 1461-1468. in German.丽蝇视细胞的光谱及偏振光灵敏度的电生理研究──视细胞的偏振光灵敏度的电生理研究, 1981年1月,第1期, P92-97. (SCI 1980年收录).

80.Guo Aike(1980) Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen zur Spektral─und Polarisation -Empfindlichkeit an den Sehzellen von Calliphora Erythrocephala I. Scientia Sinica, Vol.XXIII No. 9,1182-1196. in German.丽蝇视细胞的光谱及偏振光灵敏度的电生理研究──相对光谱灵敏度曲线与蝇令的关系,中国科学, 1980年9月,第9期,P907-913.(SCI 1980年收录).



2.编写书籍章节,Aike Guo: Figure-Ground and Discrimination in the Visual System of the Fly.《Vision :Structure and Function》Eds. Yew D T, So KF, Tsang DSC. Singapore: World Scientific,1988




6.编写书籍章节:郭爱克,陆惠民,张柯:第27章:多巴胺介导的强化学习机制和抉择的神经经济学原则,脑内多巴胺》,金国章,镇学初编著 ,上海: 上海科学技术出版社 ,2010

7.编写书籍章节:Aike Guo, Huimin Lu, Ke Zhang, Qingzhong Ren, Nah-Num Chiang Wong. Chapter 28—Visual Learning and Decision Making inDrosophila melanogaster.《InvertebrateLearning and memory》Edited by Randolf Menzel and Paul Benjamin. Elsevier, pp 378-394,荷兰,2013

8.Aike Guo, Zhefeng Gong, Hao Li, Yan Li, Li Liu, Qingqing Liu, Huimin Lu, Yufeng Pan, Qingzhong Ren, Zhihua Wu, Ke Zhang, Yan Zhu. (2017) Vision, Memory, and Cognition in Drosophila. In: Menzel, R. (ed.),Learning Theory and Behavior,Vol. 1 ofLearning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd edition, Byrne, J.H. (ed.). pp. 483–503.







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